When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

  • Comparing Boilers And Furnaces

    Boilers and furnaces are the two most popular heat sources for central HVAC systems. Both options have certain drawbacks and advantages that you need to consider. Depending on where you live, your heating needs, the design of your home, and a number of other factors, one could be much more practical than the other. This article looks at the main differences between a central boiler and a central furnace. Furnaces

  • How To Fix A Gas Fireplace That Won't Stay Lit

    If you desire roasted chestnuts by an open fire, you don't want the light to keep malfunctioning. However, a pilot that won't stay lit is a common fireplace problem. A healthy pilot light has a bluish orange glow. A yellowish flame is not healthy, and it will fail to light the fireplace. Before you call an HVAC repair service, try these troubleshooting tips. Inspect the Gas Valve, Drip Loop, and Burners

  • 4 Signs That Your Air Conditioner's Capacitor Is Failing And Needs To Be Replaced

    An air conditioner capacitor is a small cylindrical device that is designed to store energy, similar to a battery. The energy that is stored in the capacitor is needed to start up the outdoor air conditioning unit and help keep the air conditioner running while it is cooling down the home to the appropriate temperature. When a capacitor is going bad or fails completely, the air conditioner will not be able to function properly.

  • 4 Reasons To Encapsulate The Crawl Space Under A Rarely Used Vacation Home

    Whether you prefer to relax in a remote mountain cabin or a sprawling seaside retreat, you likely want to spend as little of your free time as possible on repairing and maintaining the property. A few extra steps to prepare the structure for improvements like crawlspace encapsulation can prevent damage and reduce your maintenance tasks. Find out how encapsulating your crawlspace will protect your second property and help you enjoy your free time.

  • How to Clean Condenser Coils

    HVAC maintenance is not always as complicated as you might think. Of course, most technical and electrical work will need to be done by licensed professionals, but there are quite a few simple job that you can do on your own. Most of these jobs are preventative in nature. Not only will they help you to maintain efficiency and productivity of your major appliances, they will also help to prevent breakdowns.

About Me

When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

My name is Maura, and I am certified in HVAC installation and repair. I have many clients who call me in a panic because they have turned on their air conditioners and nothing has happened. Your air conditioning technician will get to you as soon as possible, but there are some steps you can take while you are waiting. You might just find that you are able to fix the problem on your own, although you will still want to have a professional assess the situation. In this blog I will take you through some common reasons your air conditioner might not be working and show you some easy temporary solutions.

