All across America, people are starting to turn on their furnaces for the first time, only to discover that it's not working nearly as well as they remember from last winter. When that happens, there are usually a number of problems that are very common amongst furnaces, several of which are outlined below. If you see any of them, contact an HVAC company to schedule a furnace repair service, since taking care of it now before the temperatures really start to dip can make the difference between a bearable winter and really long one.
If your air conditioning system has reached the end of the line, it's time to replace it. You will want to keep in mind many things when it comes to air conditioning installation. You want to choose a contractor who can offer you the services you require and choose a new AC that meets your needs. Your new air conditioning system will likely be in place for a decade or more, so it's important to have it installed properly.
Your water heater is supposed to heat up water for your household. Typically, you should be able to rely on your water heater to perform this function, since water heaters are typically pretty low-maintenance and reliable appliances. However, from time to time, things can go wrong with water heaters. For example, you might find that your water heater doesn't produce hot water. There are a few possible reasons why this might be happening.
Owning commercial property is a wise financial investment that can be quite lucrative. However, commercial buildings also need to be properly maintained in order to increase in value. A commercial building that is in good repair and maintained can also attract tenants, and as the owner, you can charge higher lease payments. When it comes to maintaining commercial buildings, paying attention to the HVAC system is essential. As the owner of a commercial building, you should have the HVAC system serviced and inspected on a regular basis.
If you are a new homeowner, there is likely still a lot you do not know about your new home. In fact, you may not even know about the specific systems that make up your home. Your HVAC system might be part of this. As a new homeowner, you might want to get to know your new home. These are some of the common things people learn about their HVAC setups.
My name is Maura, and I am certified in HVAC installation and repair. I have many clients who call me in a panic because they have turned on their air conditioners and nothing has happened. Your air conditioning technician will get to you as soon as possible, but there are some steps you can take while you are waiting. You might just find that you are able to fix the problem on your own, although you will still want to have a professional assess the situation. In this blog I will take you through some common reasons your air conditioner might not be working and show you some easy temporary solutions.