When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

  • How To Decide Between Air Conditioner Repair And Replacement

    Is there some useful life left in your air conditioner, or is it time to replace it with a new one? This decision is not to be taken lightly. The air conditioner is a quite pricey appliance, so replacing it before its useful life is over is to waste money. On the other hand, you could throw so much repair money at it, it is no longer economical. Here are some questions that will help you make a better choice.

  • The Scientific Reason Behind Men And Women Bickering Over Air Conditioning Temperatures

    Male and female residents of a household may frequently bicker over the central air conditioning temperature. Although having different preferences for the thermostat setting may be aggravating, there are scientific reasons why this occurs. Taking that into account could make everyone more understanding. The residents can use certain strategies so everyone is more comfortable. Relevant Research On average, women like the temperature to be 77 degrees Fahrenheit, but men like it to be 72.

  • What You Should Know Before Hiring Heating Insulation Contractors

    Most of the energy in American households is spent on cooling or heating purposes. A significant percentage of the total energy utilized is lost in different home sections. However, you can take advantage of a heating insulation upgrade to cut costs and save more money. But before enlisting an installation contractor, it's paramount to understand every aspect required to find the best deal.  Read on for an essential checklist you must consider before commencing your heating installation project.

  • Benefits Homeowners Can Reap By Scheduling A Spring AC Maintenance Visit

    Expensive winter heating bills can spur some homeowners to search for ways to trim their household budget. In this situation, some homeowners may consider opting out of routine pre-season maintenance for their air conditioning system, especially if there have been no recent repair issues.  Before giving in to the temptation to cancel a spring air conditioning maintenance visit as a way to save money, homeowners should understand the financial benefits of maintaining their AC system.

  • What Should You Expect During AC Installation?

    Air conditioner installation can feel like a mystery to many people. Many people move into homes that already have units in place, so having a unit installed can be a bit of a mystery. You may have no idea what will happen. Do you want to know what to expect during an air conditioning installation? These are some of the things that you can expect. Clear the Area for Installation

About Me

When Your Air Conditioner Won't Work

My name is Maura, and I am certified in HVAC installation and repair. I have many clients who call me in a panic because they have turned on their air conditioners and nothing has happened. Your air conditioning technician will get to you as soon as possible, but there are some steps you can take while you are waiting. You might just find that you are able to fix the problem on your own, although you will still want to have a professional assess the situation. In this blog I will take you through some common reasons your air conditioner might not be working and show you some easy temporary solutions.

